It’s a nerve-racking experience to have kids on the road. And if your teen has just started driving, you want to do everything that you can to keep them safe. One useful technological advancement that can help? GPS and other navigation applications.
While GPS technology has been around for a while, GPS apps make it even easier for young drivers to get where they’re going – without relying on anything but their smartphone. Below are five of the best navigation apps for new driver. All of these apps are designed to keep drivers safe and precise on the road.
MotionX GPS Drive. MotionX GPS Drive was one of the first GPS entries into the market. However, it’s earned its reputation by keeping up with competitors and adding new features that other companies have looked over. It’s also one of the most cost-effective applications, with an initial price of just $.99. Users can spend an additional $9.99 per year to receive voice guidance. GPS Drive comes with maps that are updated in real time so that you never have to worry about rolling down a dead-end street.
TomTom. As one of the most full-featured GPS apps on the market, TomTom is a high-definition, full-featured navigational giant. If you want your GPS with music, fun graphics and even optional celebrity voices, then this is the app for you. Of course, TomTom also includes all of the basic GPS functions, such as onboard maps, online and offline maps, turn by turn directions, lane guidance and address book integration. Though the TomTom app does cost $24.99, it’s a one-time cost that is much cheaper than purchasing a dedicated GPS device.
Google Maps. Google provides go-to apps for many needs, and navigation is no different. The Google Maps app is integrated with the Google search functionality. This means that you can find and get directions to businesses in the area you’re in, quickly and easily. For instance, if you’re looking for a gas station near to the shopping mall you’re at, you don't have to know the name of the station in order to find where to fill up. The app also offers turn-by-turn, voice-guided navigation .The best part? It’s completely free.
Waze. One of the most popular navigation apps on the market is Waze, a GPS and traffic app. Instead of relying on remote satellites, this app earns its keep through its user-generated information. That means Waze has better, more accurate information on real-time situations like traffic jams, speed traps or road hazards, delivered by individuals who are witnessing it firsthand. Waze connects its users so that they will know immediately if there is a pitfall along a certain route that needs to be avoided.
AT&T Navigator. Our list wouldn’t be complete without a navigation app from a telecommunications giant. Because of its widespread network, AT&T Navigator is one of the most accurate navigation systems on the market today. Though you do need to pay a $9.99 per month subscription fee (it’s easy to add to your phone bill if you already use AT&T), the app is well worth it. The app provides voice guidance, GPS-guided maps and directions, traffic rerouting, and offline maps.
No matter what navigation app you choose for your teen, it's important to make driving safety your number one priority. Distracted driving is a major issue among young drivers, and any kind of distracted driving can lead to a serious accident – even using GPS navigation. If you plan to have you teen use a navigation app while driving, buy a dashboard dock so your young driver can keep their eyes on the road.
-Article Contributed by Abby Perkins
Abby Perkins is Editor in Chief at Software Providers, where she writes about business software, technology, and industry trends.