It is with significant personal regret that I share with you the news that uKnow had a private database repeatedly breached by a hacker using two different IP addresses on February 16, 2016 and February 17, 2016.
Read More »You Are Invited to uKnow's New Product Mix and Mingle Event!
uKnow is having a new product launch party, and you are invited! If you are in the Washington, DC area come see for yourself how we are changing the way families connect and protect one another online and via mobile phones. Beer, wine, hors d'oeuvres and great networking opportunities will be served!
uKnowKids Parenting Blog of the Year Winners!
We are extremely excited to announce our first annual Parenting Blog of the Year winners. We listened to our readers recommendations and scoured the web for the 25 best mommy/daddy bloggers and then we left it up to you to vote and decide who wins from there! Readers voted like crazy from mid-June to the first week of July, and the top 5 winners went home with some great prizes including gift cards, free uKnowKids accounts, press opportunities, and more!
uKnowKids June 2013 Newsletter

June was Internet Safety Month
uKnowKids created and released a lot of unique content to help keep kids safe online and on their mobile phone during the month of June and into the summer. Download our latest eBook “Internet Safety and Strategies for the Lazy Days of Summer” now and then check out our infographic that features exclusive safety tips from leaders in the industry.
What an Amazing Day for uKnowKids and Our Supporters!
uKnowKids was on The Ricki Lake Show today, and it was truly an amazing day. Hundreds of thousands of parents learned about uKnowKids today, and that is the very good news!
Tim Woda on The Ricki Lake Show!
Airing Thursday October 4th, Tim Woda, our in-house Internet and Mobile Safety expert will be guest starring on The Ricki Lake Show. Covering two segments of the hour long show Tim details the harrowing story that led to the creation of and uKnowKids. If you would like to join us for our viewing party we will be hosting a Google+ Hangout with Tim and our Team. Join in on Thursday at 11:00 AM EST!
Thursday Show Preview:
"How much is too much when it comes to sharing on Social Media?