uKnowKids is extremely pleased to announce the release of our first ever eBook entitled “10 Essential Things Parents Need to Know About Cyberbullying.” We were inspired to write and produce this eBook because October is National Bullying Awareness Month, and it is our mission to educate parents about the often overlooked topic of cyberbullying.
We sincerely believe that the timing of this eBook is impeccable. In light of the recent news concerning Amanda Todd, the Canadian teen who took her life after relentless cyberbullying, and every other child who has suffered from this new age form of tormenting, we feel it is our responsibility to get this free eBook in as many hands as possible. uKnowKids knows that education equates with prevention, and this eBook is a step in the right direction to end cyberbullying. After reading this eBook, you will be able to understand:
Cyberbullying: Where and How?
Cyberbullying Prevention
What to Do if Your Child is the Bully
and much more.
Download our eBook now and take the first steps in protecting your child from bullies and dangers online. Please note that website bloggers can copy the infographic onto their own site and share with friends and readers.