uKnowKids is pleased to announce that we have released our eBook and SlideShare, both entitled "11 Digital Services Every Military Family Needs", for our Military Appreciation Month. Everyone knows how important technology is to our servicemembers and their families, and since uKnow.com is a tech and internet safety company, we are fortunate enough to be able to give a little something back to our servicemen.
This eBook is available free of charge for the general public to download, but we wanted to give a special thanks to all members of our armed forces and everything they do for us!
Our hope is that the products, services and applications in this eBook make lives easier, sweeter and more entertaining for members of the military and their families.
As part of our campaign this month, check out our TroopSwap deal going live on Dec. 15th (if you don't know what that is you need to read our eBook now!), look for guest blog posts from our favorite military mommy bloggers through the month, check our resource page for infographics and share our SlideShare on our eBook topic.
Check out our SlideShare now!