June was Internet Safety Month
uKnowKids created and released a lot of unique content to help keep kids safe online and on their mobile phone during the month of June and into the summer. Download our latest eBook “Internet Safety and Strategies for the Lazy Days of Summer” now and then check out our infographic that features exclusive safety tips from leaders in the industry.

uKnowKids featured on Fox 32 in Chicago
After local Chicago high school was embroiled in a sexting scandal, Fox 32 in Chicago turned to uKnowKids as a means for parents to prevent their children from sexting.

We have redesigned our blog!
We thought it was time for an update! We now are pulling in great content from our favorite digital parenting and news sites along with continuing to create our own unique content daily. Click here to see our redesigned blog and some of our best blog posts throughout the month including the link between depression and cyberbullying, the latest Snapchat news, and more!
Download uKnowKids Windows 8 App now!
Do you have Windows 8 on your home computer? Or maybe you purchased a new Windows tablet? If so, you should check out our Windows 8 parent app. Download uKnowKids from the “Store” on your Windows 8 device, and start protecting your children from digital dangers the easy way!