If you have turned on the news lately than you have no doubt heard about the tragic trend known as bullycide. Bullycide is the unfortunate link between suicide and bullying, and the young teenagers' names associated with it are all too fresh in our minds.
Tragically, one thing we keep hearing over and over again is that the parent's had no idea what was happening to their children online. So these teens were dealing with merciless cyberbullying with seemingly no one to turn to.
It is time that parents become informed and engaged with what their children are doing online and on the mobile phone, as well as become knowledgable about the latest digital dangers and trends. You can start by downloading our newest eBook, "Bullycide: The Dark Side of Cyberbullying."
Download this eBook and learn:
an introduction to bullycide
the disastrous consequences of cyberbullying
bullycide and the law
and more.
Become informed about this disastrous digital danger and keep your children safe from cyberbullies and bullycide.