Teen and kids safety alert: Alexis Summers, age 17, was killed in a fatal car crash as she texted at the wheel while driving early in November. What makes her death particularly poignant is the fact that she died only 8 hours after her home state of Pennsylvania passed a bill to make texting while driving illegal.
On the way home from visiting her boyfriend, Alexis's car left the road, hit a tree, spun around, and collided with the tree a second time. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
Minutes before the crash, Alexis had sent a group text to the rest of her cheerleading squad reminding them about practice. Friends say that she didn't normally text while driving. Some people say that the new anti-texting legislation, which will take effect in a few months, will deter teens from texting while driving. Others say that it will only cause teens to be sneakier about it, texting in their laps instead of up above the wheel, which would impair their vision even further and lead to more distracted driving deaths due to texting.
-Article Contributed by Jenny Evans