Aside from modeling good behavior by never using your own phone while driving, or having frequent conversations with your kids about the dangers of texting and driving, you can also use a mobile app like iZup to curb the temptation for your teen to text and drive and keep your kids safe.
The name iZup literally means “eyes up,” meaning that it keeps your teens from looking down at their phones when their focus needs to be on the road. iZup is compatible with Blackberry and Android, and it works using the phone's GPS.
Once the phone reaches 5 MPH (or another speed you select when you set up your account,) the app will automatically hold all incoming texts and calls. No outgoing texts or calls can be made, either, except for 911 or other numbers you authorize when you set up your account. It's a great app to enable parental controls in the car and help keep your kids safer
Currently, iZup is available for a subscription of $2.95 per month or $19.95 per year. You can put iZup on up to 5 phones with a family monthly subscription of $5.95 per month ($59.95 per year.)
When installing iZup on your kids' phones, you need to be upfront about it. Explain the reasons why you feel it's so important. The app does have a “tamper alert” that it will send to your e-mail if your kid disables the feature, but it's better if your child agrees to use it voluntarily
Texting while driving is really, really dangerous. In many states, it's also illegal. Texting is a huge distraction that can be fatal to your teen driver and anyone else sharing the road with them that day. Using an app like iZup can be a life-saving addition to regular conversations with your teen about the importance of staying focused while driving.