Digital parenting is one of those topics that can make families uncomfortable. No teenager wants to feel like Mom and Dad are sticking their noses into his or her personal business, and no parent wants to keep their kids from making the most of the advantages the internet can provide.
It’s important to know what your kids are doing on the internet: it can be a tremendous tool for school and for social interaction. It also opens them up to a whole range of possible dangers including cyberbullying, child predators, and inappropriate content. How do parents keep their kids from undue risk without stifling their independence?
Monitoring your child's activities online and via text can help you as a parent to keep track of the people with whom kids interact unobtrusively, allowing them the freedom to connect with others online while dramatically decreasing the likelihood of harm. As parents, we have always known it was important to be aware of the people our kids hang out with, but we should be aware of the people they hang out with online too.
Monitoring online activity also allows parents to know when their kids are making good decisions regarding their social circle. For example, you can "friend" your child on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. This will allow you an idea of what they are publicly posting online.
GPS can also allow you to locate your child's phone, giving you an idea of where they are. This could be important in an emergency as well as letting you know if your child went where he or she says they planned to go. Kids love the internet. In the new digital world, digital parenting has become more important, and uKnowKids can make it a whole lot less stressful.