Earlier this week I wrote about the many constructive ways our kids can use social networking and facebook for kids. A recent survey conducted in the U.K. reveals that many adults don't feel quite as positive about social networking. Anyone who knows a teen with a MySpace status-checking addiction knows that social networking can be a perfect way to waste time. According to one survey in the United Kingdom, Facebook and Twitter ranked among the “worst innovations of the decade”, most likely for that very reason.
The first-ever Innovation Survey conducted by The Foundation asked 2,243 adult consumers to rank the top 3 and worst 3 innovations, according to their own personal opinions. Facebook was the #2 worst innovation of the decade (second only to reality TV,) while Twitter closely followed at #4.
Facebook for kids is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, organize events, and share photos and video. Twitter is a quick way to keep your friends updated and follow the goings-on of celebrities and current events in 140 characters or less.
However, too much of anything can be a bad thing. We all know of teens (and adults) who spend hours on Farmville, update their status every 4 and a half minutes, or can't go a day without their social networking fix – even on vacation.
Saying that Facebook and Twitter are two of the decade's worst inventions might be a little harsh. That said, balance is the key to your teen (or anyone for that matter) using social networking in a healthy, productive way.
-Article Contributed by Jenny Evans