Parents are often ignorant about some of the dangers that stem from social media. Although many children and teenagers view social media as a fun place to connect with friends, it can be very dangerous depending on what they are doing online. Here are some Parental Intelligence issues that you should think about as your child uses social media websites.
- Think about the future
Social media accounts are not private, even if you select private settings for the accounts. Someone can also find a way to gain access to them. Although your children are still underage, a potential employer or even college may decide to view their social media account. Be careful about what type of information and pictures that they publish because it can cause them issues in the future.
- Watch for cyberbullying
Cyberbullying has becme more common and it can be difficult to detect. This type of harassment will usually take place on Facebook or Twitter in the form of nasty messages and comments. Pay attention to not only what your children are saying, but also what their friends are saying to them.
- Keep them focused
Social media does have some positive benefits, but it can also be very distracting for students. If they spend too much time on it, then it can prevent them from studying and focusing on more important matters. Be sure to only allot them a certain amount of time to spend on these types of activities.
-Protect them from online predators
Sadly, sexual predators are also present on many of these social media websites. Some of them may pose as children and try to lure them into showing up at their house or do to other inappropriate acts.
Social media has both positive and negative aspects. Having lots Parental Intelligence of about social media is one of the best ways to keep your children safe.