Any sensible parent is going to keep their child safe from dangers that present themselves in the real world. This same sense of concern should extend to dangers that present themselves in the online world. Digital parenting is as important as parenting against dangers in the real world.
How To Start Off
It all starts with a conversation. Children will listen to their parents believe it or not, but the conversation has to be a serious one. Scholastic.com says this about starting off,
Communicate with your child. Discuss what she's doing online and why. Set rules, and talk about them. Then keep talking, since your child can earn more rights and responsibilities as she grows.
It is important to stress the importance of online safety to your child, but not make them too scared to do anything at all.
Keep Usage Limited
One of the dangers that children face these days is over use of the Internet. Some children just have difficulty cutting themselves off once they get started. It is important to limit usage for children so that they know how to set limits for themselves in the future. It is also a good idea to limit the amount of time online so as to make for fewer opportunities for the child to get in dangerous situations.
Keep An Eye on What Your Child Is Up To
It is important to follow what your children are doing online. This means checking their Internet history when they are done using the computer. You want to check for things that violate the rules you set for them as well as any activity that you should be worried about. Until your child reaches such an age that they can use the Internet however they choose, you will want to keep track of the kind of things they are viewing.