New Jersey School to Educate Kids on Social Media

TeacherIt’s not every day that you hear of a law being passed in favor of promoting social media usage in schools. Usually, it is a constant struggle between teachers and their students to get them to unplug from these networks. However, New Jersey is now taking steps that may enhance mobile and Internet safety via required social media classes.

When Children Will Be Learning About Social Media

The point in their lives that children learn about social media can be an important one. Typically, parents have been completely in control of this timing. That may not be the case if New Jersey passes this law. A report stated: 

...New Jersey lawmakers are expected to pass legislation that will mandate social media responsibility as part of the sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade curriculum starting in the next school year.

Such a law would be the first of its kind in the United States. 

Perfect Timing

Children who are in those middle school years are often just starting to use the Internet and social networking. Some are praising the legislation to require classes on how to use social networking as exactly what is needed. After all, these are children who could potentially fall victim to those who would want to do them harm if they are not careful. As such, formal education about how to use these tools will likely be extremely beneficial.

A Safer Online Community

If New Jersey implements this law it will be a testing ground in some sense for other states to follow suit. Some are predicting that the program will be successful and enjoyed by children and will thus result in other states wanting to do the same thing. Only time will tell on that one!

What are your thoughts on the move? Do you think that your child’s school should jump on board? Share your thoughts in the comment section below! 

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