Texting has quickly become one of the primary forms of communication in the world today. There is a lot of focus on the negative forms of texting like texting while driving, texting at the dinner table or texting while a parent is trying to have a conversation with their child. Even though there are a lot of negatives associated with texting there are several positive things that texting can be used for.
Interacting With the Community
Schools have started embracing text messages to notify parents of certain events happening at the school. Parents are also able to quickly exchange texts with other parents, sports coaches, and other community leaders easily and efficiently.
Speedy Communication During Emergencies
Most smartphones have a built in emergency alert system to warn you of severe weather and other emergency events happening in your area. This can be especially important for the Amber alert system in place to track down missing children a lot faster.
They can also be used in emergency situations to get notifications to parents a lot faster than traditional means. This allows for a safer environment for children when they are at school.
Staying in Touch
Another positive use of texting is simply to keep in touch with family and loved ones. Grandchildren have the ability to talk with grandparents who live far away. Parents can send a message to their children to check on their whereabouts and find out how their day went. Most phones also have the ability to send picture text messages. A grandmother can see her grandchildren on a daily basis. A young couple can send a picture of their first child to all their friends and family instantly.
Parents can also keep in touch with tweens and teens through texting. There are a plethora of situations in which parents and teens might find it easier to communicate a message through a text instead of a phone calls. Your teen will probably be more eager and apt to text you rather than call you when they're out watching a loud high school football game.
Although the misuse of texting can result in several digital dangers, when texting is used correctly it should be embraced as a tool to encourage positive activities in every day life for digital parents and teens alike. The future will hold many new technologies for achieving this for years to come.